Journey to Empowerment – A Transformative Process
A bi-weekly, on-line 8 week practicum program to set you on your path as you look at 2025!
Learn to embrace your uniqueness, become your own advocate, build a healthy sense of self-esteem and step into your empowerment . Join Janie on a powerful journey of self discovery, love, acceptance and empowerment!
Call Janie at 847-942-2924 to sign up or for more details.
Dream BIG and Have It All!
Creating the Life You Love
An interactive 5 Week Online Life Coaching Workshop
Don’t miss this life-changing workshop! Gain the skills and insights you’ll use for the rest of your life.
Register by emailing: [email protected]
or Call Janie at: 847-942-2924
to see when the next session begins
What to Do When Life Gets Heavy
Help Dealing with Stressful Times in Your Life
You will learn to:
- Build awareness of areas that bring stress into your life
- Recognize current coping mechanisms and learn additional tools to address and manage these challenging situations
- Identify and employ resources available to you
- Develop an action plan/solution to deal with the challenge in a successful and healthy way
Individual coaching sessions, targeting areas of your choice.
Janie will partner with you to develop and build a healthy skillset to successfully deal with life’s challenges and/or unforeseen crises. Call Janie for more details.