Welcome to a Place of Insights, Resources and Thoughts to Ponder

Here you will find tidbits to reflect on, and new perspectives that may resonate with you.   It is a safe place to stretch and challenge your mind and heart, then view life from a new perspective.  Embrace what speaks to you, and leave the rest.

“Be still…….Stop thinking……..Feel……..Visualize……Take action………Repeat.”
Mike Dooley

“The mind drives the cart, but the heart is the axle upon which the wheel turns.”
Frankie Robertson

“Do what you love, but call it work.”
Jordan Davis

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.”
Ellen DeGeneres

“Understanding yourself is power.
Loving yourself is freedom.
Forgiving yourself is peace.
Being yourself is bliss.”

“Creativity is not something you do as much as it is something you allow.”
James Twyman

“Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.”
Tina Fey

“Dismiss whatever insults your soul.”
Walt Whitman

“If you CAN, you MUST! Tomorrow is not promised.”
Emma Carey

“Life is a self-guided tour. If you don’t like the tour, change it!
Create the tour you desire!”
Linda Fallucca


Change Your Perspective

In setting intentions for our growth and expansion, begin with an honest look at our thoughts, attitudes and belief system.   These are the driving forces behind everything we think, do and do not do.    As Henry Ford so aptly pointed out, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”  Thus, it works like this:

  • Our thoughts trigger emotions.
  • Our emotions shape our attitude.
  • Our attitude drives our behaviors.
  • And our behaviors determine our outcomes.

To change the chain reaction of this series and produce a new/different outcome, we must begin at the root.    Do this by “noticing what we are noticing.”  What draws our attention?  What do we place value on?  What do we judge as right or wrong?  Can these thoughts/judgments be expanded to include shades of gray which are not necessarily right or wrong? Do any of our beliefs need to be reexamined and/or challenged?  Can we entertain a new perspective that can lead us to a different outcome?

This type of honest reflection can lead us to a new perspective that triggers a metamorphosis. Per Stuart Wilde, “A plane that changes its course by only 1 degree will arrive in a totally different destination.”  Thus, from challenging our thoughts and attitudes, a new philosophy may emerge that better suits us in our life journey.  Going back to our chain above,

  • A new perspective will lead to new thoughts.
  • These new thoughts will elicit new and different emotions.
  • Fresh emotions will change our attitude,
  • A changed attitude drives different behaviors.
  • And different behaviors will determine new and hopefully better outcomes.


Change your thinking, change your life!  Think and dream BIG!

May you experience an empowering  and joyful  life beginning NOW!


Thoughts to Nurture Your Soul and Support You On Your Path

When you fail at something, rather than viewing it as a “failure” with a negative label that you beat yourself up about, try thinking of it as “learning by doing”.  You have now experienced a way or a thought that does not serve you or get you where you want to go.  Therefore, realize that you have actually made progress and congratulate yourself!

“Your perceived failure can become the catalyst for profound reinvention.” Conan O’Brien
Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.

Knowing others is intelligence;  knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Your values will shape and drive your destiny.  Make sure your values are in alignment with your heart!

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.  Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


Book Corner

The Biology of Belief  by Bruce Lipton, PhD.

This book will definitely give you a new perspective on how very powerful our thoughts are in creating our health and well-being. Read this and become empowered to make changes you never thought you could!

Manifest from the Heart — Awaken Your Heart-Core Power  by Henk J.M. Schram

This short read will give you a whole new perspective of the mind-heart connection and the power it has to enhance your wellbeing and bring you joy.

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

This acclaimed book will give you a new perspective of thinking.

Contacting Your Spirit Guide   by Sylvia Browne

An easy to read, yet powerful roadmap to realizing you are never alone.  You need only to ask for help and guidance to receive the help you need at any given moment, or with any quagmire you find your self in.  Trust that the guidance that is revealed to you is in your best and highest interest.   

The Girl Who Fell from the Sky by Emma Carey

A wonderfully inspiring true story of a young woman’s tragic accident and her journey to recovery and living a life of gratitude and joy.

Have you been thinking of changing jobs, but need to tackle updating your resume?

Check out either of these NEW resources:


An easy to use, very thoughtfully designed website that will help you craft a great resume, one that will strongly market your skills and experiences.

Or: https://Resume.org.

This resource will allow you to upload a PDF from LinkedIn and customize it, as well as creating a resume from scratch.

Both resources are FREE, easy to use, give you templates to choose from, and will help you design professional, eye-catching resumes. Both will also offer tips that will help you design and word your resume to standout and be noticed.

Strategic Steps to Achieve Your Career Goals Through Development Planning

By Derek Goodman

Navigating through one’s career requires more than just ambition and hard work; it demands a strategic approach to personal and professional growth. A well-crafted professional development plan not only focuses your aspirations but also structures your progress towards achieving them. This article explores the strategic steps necessary to create a plan that aligns with your career objectives, ensuring that every effort contributes effectively towards your ultimate professional achievements.

Understand the Value of Professional Development
Understanding the role of a structured professional development plan in your career is crucial. Such a plan not only outlines your career trajectory but also ensures sustained growth and learning. This strategic approach is fundamental for long-term success and fulfillment in your professional life. Investing in continuous learning is key to staying relevant and achieving career longevity.

Assess Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Begin by taking a deep dive into your current skills and expertise. Identifying what you excel at and where you might need improvement is essential. This self-awareness serves as the foundation of your development plan. Acknowledge your achievements and honestly evaluate areas where your capabilities could be enhanced. Regular self-evaluations will help you stay aware of your progress and refine your goals.

Set SMART Career Goals
To navigate your career path effectively, establish SMART objectives. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Setting such precise milestones will guide your efforts and help measure your progress realistically. Ensure these objectives align with your ultimate career aspirations. SMART goals provide clear direction and prevent distractions that might hinder your progress.

Design a Standout Resume
Creating a standout resume requires attention to detail, clear organization, and a focus on highlighting relevant skills and achievements. Start by tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for, emphasizing key qualifications that align with the job description. Use concise bullet points, strong action verbs, and measurable outcomes to showcase your experience and impact in previous roles. You can create a resume online for free (see resources above for wonderful templates) to design your resume, as it simplifies the process and ensures a polished look.

Identify Industry Benchmarks
Understanding what success looks like in your field is crucial. Research and identify the key benchmarks that professionals in your industry aim to reach. This knowledge will not only provide a target to aim for but also offer insight into the necessary steps and qualifications needed to excel in your field. Benchmarking against industry standards will keep you competitive and aware of evolving trends.

Integrate Feedback for Growth
Constructive feedback is invaluable for continuous improvement. Incorporate mechanisms into your plan to regularly receive input from peers, mentors, or supervisors. This feedback will help you adjust your strategies and methods, ensuring you remain on the path to meeting your career goals. Consistent feedback helps you refine your skills and adapt to new challenges effectively.

Is Launching a Business Venture in Your Future?
Starting a business involves researching your market, writing a business plan, securing funding, choosing a legal structure, and registering your business with the appropriate authorities. Forming an LLC provides key benefits, such as protecting personal assets, offering tax flexibility, and reducing administrative burdens. Although every state has a slightly different process, most are not difficult or very costly. Research the requirement for your state before electing to pay unnecessary legal fees. You may find that you can easily do it yourself for a fraction of the cost of involving an attorney. Be sure to review state-specific regulations before moving forward to ensure that your business setup is fully compliant.

Navigate Market Changes
Think ahead and prepare yourself for the inevitability of market shifts. The ability to adapt to changing job landscapes is a vital skill that can distinguish you from your peers. Embrace flexibility in your professional development to maintain relevance and enhance your career resilience. Being adaptable and nimble enables you to seize new opportunities and thrive in a dynamic work environment.

Crafting a professional development plan is akin to plotting a course for a successful journey in your career. With the right plan in place, you can ensure that every step taken is a step toward success. The guidance provided here serves as a blueprint to consciously structure your growth and refine your professional path. By taking control of your development, you’re setting yourself up for a fulfilling and successful career.

Unlock your potential with expert life and career coaching services from Sage Life Solutions. Schedule a complimentary session with Janie Murray today to discover how transformative coaching can change your life.